Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Love Day

Valentine's Day is just around the corner. With my daughter in pre-school she has become very aware of all up-coming holidays. Her pre-school class has been busily preparing for Valentine's Day, today they made a heart-shaped ''mail box''. They will be able to ''deliver'' all their cards to eachother in the mail boxes. They are also having a Valentine's day party. All this has made Zoe extremely excited for Valentine's Day. The first thing she says to me when she wakes up is: '' Mommy, is it Valentine's Day yet?''. This may sound cute, but she has been asking me every morning for the past week or so.

Personally, I am not a big fan of Valentine's day. I believe that you should tell your significant other, your life partner that you love him/her everyday. But when you have a little girl like mine, all holidays (even the ones that I don't really like) are exciting.

She is already gearing up for Easter too...

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